Bob Fugler Bob Fugler

Water Quality in Loughborough Lake

Water quality measurements on Loughborough Lake remain good … You can stop reading here, or if curious to learn a little more about what is happening on our lake, read on.

Water quality measurements on Loughborough Lake remain good … You can stop reading here, or if curious to learn a little more about what is happening on our lake, read on.

Secchi Depth

Secchi depth measurements – where you drop a circular black and white disk into the lake and measure the depth at which it disappears from view - are a measure of water clarity. In our lake environment, clear water is often associated with deep, cold lakes that have poor or low nutrient concentrations in them. Our west basin is such a body of water and the Secchi disk must be lowered to quite a depth before it disappears. The east basin is a shallow lake environment, warmer and with more nutrient and algae concentration. The Secchi depth measurements in this basin are considerably shallower.

Figure 1. Secchi depth measurements.

Figure 1. Secchi depth measurements.

There is a decline in Secchi disk reading values in the west basin compared to previous years; there are two measurement locations in the west basin and both stations reported the lower values in 2017 (Figure 1).

Phosphorous Levels

Total phosphorous readings are a measure of the amount of phosphate material in the water. Higher phosphorous levels in the lake can lead to higher concentrations of algae and weed growth. Therefore, you would expect that waters with higher total phosphates would have shallower Secchi disk readings.

Figure 2. Phosphate measurements.

Figure 2. Phosphate measurements.

Notable in 2017 is a decline in phosphate values in the east basin over the previous two years (Figure 2). What looked to be an upward trend in the 2014 to 2016 data has reversed in 2017.

Calcium Levels

Figure 3. Calcium Levels.

Figure 3. Calcium Levels.

There are higher calcium levels in the west basin, consistent with the limestone topography of that lake. Calcium levels moderate in the east basin as the waters flow into the granite substrate (Figure 3).

We now have four locations being sampled for water quality, two in the east basin and two in the west. One of our east basin testers left the lake after 2016 and when that data was compared to other locations, there was a similarity to other east basin locations. It was decided not to continue sampling in that location.

We have another source of water quality measurements that comes from the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority. They have recently published lake reports of the major lakes in their watershed. If you are curious on how they rate our lake, you can get a copy of their lake report.

And if you really want to spend a whole afternoon on the computer, you can view other lakes in our region at Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority.

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Guest User Guest User

The Origins of Loughborough Lake

No doubt you have viewed a Google Earth image of the lake and wondered: Why is it long, narrow and oriented NE-SW? Why does the NE part of the lake have islands and the SW part does not? When did the lake valley form and by what processes? The modern land surface here is related to periods of glaciation that ended about 11,500 years ago. Before that time glacial ice sheets ~ 2 km thick advanced over the area from the NE to the SW and eroded the bedrock surface. However, this alone does not account for all the surface features found in the region.

No doubt you have viewed a Google Earth image of the lake and wondered: Why is it long, narrow and oriented North East-South West? Why does the North East part of the lake have islands and the South West part does not? When did the lake valley form and by what processes? The modern land surface here is related to periods of glaciation that ended about 11,500 years ago. Before that time glacial ice sheets ~ 2 km thick advanced over the area from the NE to the SW and eroded the bedrock surface. However, this alone does not account for all the surface features found in the region.

Figure 1. Geology at the edge of the Precambrian Shield (from D.F. Hewitt, 1964; Ontario Geological Survey Map 2054). Limestone is pale blue (or pale grey in black and white, map unit 13). The lake valley orientations are parallel to the local struc…

Figure 1. Geology at the edge of the Precambrian Shield (from D.F. Hewitt, 1964; Ontario Geological Survey Map 2054). Limestone is pale blue (or pale grey in black and white, map unit 13). The lake valley orientations are parallel to the local structural trend of folds and faults shown by the red lines.

To understand how the lake valleys may have formed we need to look at the big picture. The boundary between the limestone and Precambrian rocks in the Frontenac Arch is very irregular but from Holleford to the Rideau Canal, it is characterized by NE-pointing promontories underlain by limestone (Fig. 1). Between the headlands there are long narrow valleys. The valleys continue to the SW in fairly straight lines and commonly contain creeks (e.g., Collins Creek). Shaw and Gilbert (1990; Geology, 18, p.1169-1172) noted this relationship and suggested that the valleys were an interconnected network of channels that formed under the glacier and allowed meltwater to drain into the Lake Ontario Basin.

Although not stressed by these authors, ancient bedrock features likely played a part in valley development. Many of the folds, faults and planar fractures in the bedrock are oriented NE to SW (long-dashed red lines, Fig. 1). Not all rocks erode at the same rate and faults are typically persistent zones of weak rock. At least one such fault occupies the Loughborough Lake valley and was active after the formation of the limestone (the base of the limestone layers has dropped down 10 m across the lake and this is part of the reason Precambrian rock is exposed N of the lake and limestone is exposed on the S side). Powerful subglacial water flow exploited the paths of least resistance offered by preexisting zones of weakness. In other words, the location and orientation of recent lake valleys were controlled by features of the bedrock that formed hundreds of millions of years ago.

Figure 2: Fields near Perth Road Public School are strewn with large boulders (glacial erratics) on polished bedrock. There is only a thin layer of topsoil and most of the older glacial sediment (till) has been washed away by glacial flood events.

Figure 2: Fields near Perth Road Public School are strewn with large boulders (glacial erratics) on polished bedrock. There is only a thin layer of topsoil and most of the older glacial sediment (till) has been washed away by glacial flood events.

Gilbert and Shaw (1994; Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 31, p. 1630-37) confirmed and extended their hypothesis in a study of the shape of the bedrock surface in the SW part of Loughborough Lake using an echo-sounding survey. They found that the lake west of the bridge is in a narrow steep-sided valley up to 100 m deep characterized by large, long grooves, ridges and channels. The development of sub-glacial flow channels is known to occur under modern glaciers and enormous volumes of highly erosive, sediment-charged water can be released over time and intermittently at catastrophic rates. Loughborough Lake occupies one of the many flow channels that were cut across the boundary between limestone and the Shield by subglacial meltwater outburst floods. Other evidence for subglacial flooding in the area includes: large areas of no, or very thin, glacial sediment (till), isolated large boulders sitting on polished bedrock (Fig. 2) and smooth linear grooves cut into outcrops on many different size scales (Figs. 3 and 4).

Figure 3: A metre-sized groove cut into the side of an outcrop east of Buck Lake.

Figure 3: A metre-sized groove cut into the side of an outcrop east of Buck Lake.

Figure 4: Small linear grooves on an outcrop surface south of Perth Road Village. Pebbles are aligned NESW in the bottom of a larger groove. Commonly, the grooves have few, if any, glacial striations (scratches) showing that they are relatively late…

Figure 4: Small linear grooves on an outcrop surface south of Perth Road Village. Pebbles are aligned NESW in the bottom of a larger groove. Commonly, the grooves have few, if any, glacial striations (scratches) showing that they are relatively late glacial features.

You can learn about the subsurface geology of your property from water well records by the Ontario government, and clicking on your blue dot. Open the PDF file to see what the well driller found at different depths during drilling. Codes for rock types are: LMSN = limestone, SNDS = sandstone, and GRNT = any Precambrian basement rock except marble. In the Kingston area, "white LMSN" = marble.

Other free geological references may be downloaded from GEOSCAN:

- H.R. Wynne-Edwards Map 27-1962 for basement rock types

- B.A. Liberty Map 18-1970 for sedimentary rock types

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Guest User Guest User

Eastern Ontario Model Forest Educational Video on Forest Stewardship

The Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) and Pinegrove Productions have produced a new documentary video series that celebrates stewardship of Ontario’s natural heritage in forestry. “Trees, Youth, Our Future” is a two-part series that tells the story of forest stewardship in Ontario and encourages the next generation of leaders to embrace it.

The Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) and Pinegrove Productions have produced a new documentary video series that celebrates stewardship of Ontario’s natural heritage in forestry. “Trees, Youth, Our Future” is a two-part series that tells the story of forest stewardship in Ontario and encourages the next generation of leaders to embrace it.

“Forest stewardship is one of Ontario’s key economic drivers and provides jobs, recreation and healthy lifestyles for the people who live here,” explains Astrid Nielsen, General Manager. “Our aim with this series is to showcase the excellent stewardship work that is being done for our forests today and to inspire youth to continue that legacy so that we have sustainable forests for the future.”

The first episode, “The Road to Sustainability,” seen above, explores the history of our relationship with the forests – from being home to Indigenous peoples to being an obstacle to settlement for Europeans. It looks at the evolution from exploitation to stewardship, culminating in Ontario becoming a leader in sustainable forest management.

The Eastern Ontario Model Forest is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that works with landowners, industry, First Nations and others to develop new ways to sustain and manage forests. The EOMF champions the belief that we all have a stake in ensuring the environmental, economic, cultural and social values of Ontario's non-crown forests are maintained for the benefit of all, now and in the future.

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Guest User Guest User

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird

One of our most compelling summer visitors keeps itself aloft in air that, to it, must feel more like maple syrup. The reason this bird does not soar through the air like a Bald Eagle is because it is, well, very, very small. It is in fact one of the smallest birds in North-America: I am speaking of course of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 

One of our most compelling summer visitors keeps itself aloft in air that, to it, must feel more like maple syrup. The reason this bird does not soar through the air like a Bald Eagle is because it is, well, very, very small. It is in fact one of the smallest birds in North-America: I am speaking of course of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 

Being small poses special problems to these birds as they try to stay aloft. This is because flight, whether it be by an airplane, bird or insect, requires a certain speed to prevent the air from sticking to the tips of the wing. The smaller the wings, the harder it is to achieve this speed. You can see this effect when you blow out a candle: the hot smoke molecules rise up in a straight column because they move too fast to mingle with the surrounding air. As the smoke cools higher up, it slows down into a turbulent viscous mess that does not support flight. 

The hummingbird has made a few remarkable adaptations to combat this problem. Like an insect, it rotates its wings in a figure eight at the incredible pace of 80 times per second, producing lift on both upstrokes and downstrokes at sufficient velocities. The rough feathery surface of its wings helps it further reduce the turbulence at its wingtips. Beating its wings at this pace allows it not just to fly, but also to hover when still, like a little helicopter. 

Just like a helicopter, the hummingbird needs a high-octane fuel to maintain this activity: the sugary nectars produced by our flowers in spring. To obtain it, it manages to migrate over 3000 kms twice a year. By January, it takes off from its overwintering spot in Central America to travel northward in search of nectar. According to a recent study, special adaptations in the retina of the hummingbird’s eye may provide it with a compass that allows it to "see" the earth’s magnetic field as it finds its way back to where it was born. It uses this and the elevation of the sun to time its arrival, usually within a week from the beginning of May. This is when the weather is warm enough to spawn the first spring flowers, and when the risk of a night frost has become low. For when it becomes too cold at night, their small bodies cool more than those of other birds. On a cold spring night, hummingbirds must therefore engage in another remarkable adaptation: they briefly hibernate (torpor), shutting down their bodily processes for just one evening. 

Although its ability to hover is a perfect adaptation for drinking nectar from a flower, it is not just the nectar that the hummingbird is after in spring. Like many birds, the real reason it times its arrival so precisely is because of the abundance of airborne insects at this time of year. It makes for a perfect time to lay a tiny clutch of eggs and raise offspring here, where there are fewer competitors for this source of food. For hummingbird chicks need to power the growth of their muscles, and this can only be done with the protein provided by an abundance of insects caught by their parents. It was with great surprise that I witnessed a hummingbird catching an insect this summer, and with great agility, too.  

Indeed, when hummingbirds were first dissected in the mid-19th century, they found no nectar in their stomachs, but flies, gnats, wasps, aphids, beetles and other insects, often 50 individuals or more, propelling the belief at the time that this was their sole source of food. This insight changed only when a special bypass at the beginning of the hummingbird's stomach was discovered. It allows nectar to flow directly into the gut for faster processing. 

Today, the thought that hummingbirds only rely on nectar is common. It led me to engage in one of my great summer pleasures: to feed hummingbirds with a mixture of 4 parts water and 1 part refined sugar in a glass feeder off the window of my cottage. I boil a new mix weekly, cleaning the feeder with vinegar to remove any moulds that might upset the bird's fragile stomach. It is a delight seeing hummingbirds hover near this artificial flower right in front of me. At times they even fight over it, performing all sorts of aerial acrobatics to ward off unexpected visitors. 

Feeding hummingbirds in this way has, however, always felt like a bit of a guilty pleasure. The feeder does not resemble a flower at all, nor does the sugar water resemble nectar. Am I doing the right thing? Should I allow the hummingbirds to sort out their own food at the risk of them leaving my yard? It was only recently that I learned I need not have worried. Not only do hummingbirds eat insects, the nectar from flowers is not their only source of sugar. They also drink the sap of our very maple tree. Hummingbirds, in fact, track Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (not to be confused with Hairy or Downy Woodpeckers) as they bore holes in maples in search of sugar water. It is this behaviour that allows hummingbirds to safely negotiate the woods of North America on their way back to Central America in fall without running out of high-octane fuel. It made me feel a little better about feeding them, as the ability to drink tree sap is, perhaps, a more important survival tool for this amazing species of bird than any of its other remarkable adaptations. 

The co-evolution of insects, hummingbirds, sapsuckers and maples shows that ecologies are always more complicated than we think. We need to not just take care of the species we love, but also of their support networks. To have these amazing birds return for our own offspring to witness we must therefore stop using insecticides in our yard, stop cutting down maples for real estate developments, and treat our woodpeckers well by leaving rotting trees standing. In fact, we need to start admiring the very insects that bug us. For the flight dynamics of their tiny wings are considerably worse than those of the hummingbird's.

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Bob Fugler Bob Fugler

Blue-green Algae

Our next-door neighbouring lake, Dog Lake, had another toxic blue-green algae bloom in 2018. This “infection” shows up as a scummy surface growth and, due to its toxicity, makes the lake water unsuitable for drinking, swimming, bathing, and eating fish - basically everything water related that you enjoy at the lake. Blue- green algae cannot be filtered out of the water with cottage or home filter systems. Boiling the water can increase its toxicity.

Our next-door neighbouring lake, Dog Lake, had another toxic blue-green algae bloom in 2018. This “infection” shows up as a scummy surface growth and, due to its toxicity, makes the lake water unsuitable for drinking, swimming, bathing, and eating fish - basically everything water related that you enjoy at the lake. Blue- green algae cannot be filtered out of the water with cottage or home filter systems. Boiling the water can increase its toxicity.

Further compounding the problem is that it takes three weeks to get your testing results back to see if you have a blue-green algae bloom. This is a long time to wait if you have youngsters or visitors who have come to your place to enjoy the benefits of living beside the lake. If it takes, say, two or three such tests before the lake is declared free of blue-green algae, you may have used up much of the summer.

Dog Lake normally has greater phosphorous loads in their water than does Loughborough Lake and combined with hot weather and not much wind, this makes Dog Lake more susceptible to blue-green algae blooms.

However, Loughborough Lake is vulnerable to such blooms too. We need to make sure that our septic systems are functioning properly and that our use of fertilizers is restricted from entering the waters. Having a natural shoreline along the water’s edge helps, and will slow down, or prevent, phosphate run-off into the lake.

It is essential that lake waters, which are the reason that we all come to Loughborough Lake, are cared for so that they can continue to provide the enjoyment and pleasure that we all have come to expect.

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Joe Pater Joe Pater

Fall 2018 Newsletter


The sharp-eyed among you will notice some changes on the first two pages of this newsletter. There have been several changes in the composition of the Board of Directors. First of all, three members of the Board retired as of our August AGM: Barbara Canton (our president for the last five years), Susan Sutherland, who organized the social events many of you enjoyed over that time, and Joanne McDonnell, who also served for five years. Our thanks to all three.


The sharp-eyed among you will notice some changes on the first two pages of this newsletter. There have been several changes in the composition of the Board of Directors. First of all, three members of the Board retired as of our August AGM: Barbara Canton (our president for the last five years), Susan Sutherland, who organized the social events many of you enjoyed over that time, and Joanne McDonnell, who also served for five years. Our thanks to all three.

We are happy to report that the Board has two new members, Anne Fisher and Kevin Kapler. We look forward to the contributions we are sure they will make to the Board and the Lake Association. We would also welcome additional Board members. Appointments can be made at any time.

Heather Gregg has taken on the role of editor of our Facebook page. Thanks Heather.

Finally, you may have noticed that this column is from the Vice President. In accordance with our by-laws, it is the responsibility of directors to fill the executive positions after they are elected at the AGM. So far, no one has taken on the President’s position, but we hope to have this resolved at our next Board meeting in December.

We are continuing our ongoing water testing program this year and thank those who have volunteered their time in collecting these data. A report of the results can be found on pages 13-14 of this newsletter.

Likewise, we again had our annual Trout Stocking event in May. On behalf of all of us, many thanks go to Nada Beamish for her organization of this

event. Thanks also to those who helped out with the actual stocking. Nada’s report is on page 9. The newsletter has several other interesting articles that we hope you will enjoy. Thank you to the contributors.

Finally, as you surely know, municipal elections were held October 22nd. Successful candidates were:

South Frontenac: Mayor Ron Vandewal

Storrington District: Norm Roberts, Ronald Sleeth

Loughborough District: Ross Sutherland, Randy Ruttan

Kingston: Mayor Bryan Paterson

Countryside District: Gary Oosterhof

Congratulations to the successful candidates and thanks to Philippa Fugler for co-organizing a successful all-candidates meeting with the Dog Lake Association.

Joe Pater

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Joanne McDonnell Joanne McDonnell

Camping on Crown Land

Why travel hours to go camping when we have wonderful spots on our lake! This would be true camping with no luxury amenities. There are several islands which are designated Crown land where camp sites have been set up. The nice thing about these sites is that they are free but on a first come, first served basis. To check out Camping on Crown Land before you go.

Why travel hours to go camping when we have wonderful spots on our lake! This would be true camping with no luxury amenities. There are several islands which are designated Crown land where camp sites have been set up. The nice thing about these sites is that they are free but on a first come, first served basis. To check out Camping on Crown Land before you go.

The most common sites are in the east basin starting with Whitefish Island in the channel. Continuing eastward, there is Goat Island (3 camp sites), Papoose, Sheep and Porcupine Islands and farther in the east basin Snake Island, just to name a few. There are no docks but boats can tie up easily. Most have a picnic table and a fire pit, plus the all important privy. The picnic tables on Goat Island as well as the privies (complete with plaques saying, ‘For more privacy, close your eyes.’) were donated years ago by the Father and Son Ministry. They return each May long weekend to clean the sites and make appropriate repairs while enjoying island camping. A few years ago, the Lake Association built and placed privies on several islands that needed them. Just load your boat, canoe or kayak and have a beautiful outdoor experience!

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Guest User Guest User

Spring 2018 Newsletter


What a strange winter we have had this year! The lake has been lower than normal over the winter and the ice has finally gone out. I hope all docks are fine after the wild winds we had not long ago and that cottage openings have gone well for those of you who spend your summers on the lake. For those of us who are year-round residents, I am sure we are all ready for summer to be here and for it to be warm. Before long, we will all be on the water and enjoying barbeques and the company who visit us.


What a strange winter we have had this year! The lake has been lower than normal over the winter and the ice has finally gone out. I hope all docks are fine after the wild winds we had not long ago and that cottage openings have gone well for those of you who spend your summers on the lake. For those of us who are year-round residents, I am sure we are all ready for summer to be here and for it to be warm. Before long, we will all be on the water and enjoying barbeques and the company who visit us.

Your Lake Association has been active in the ongoing discussions over the Johnston Point development. Members of the Board have attended a number of municipal meetings and supported presentations by concerned individuals. We are still waiting to hear from the MNRF on a variety of items.

We are continuing our ongoing water testing program this year and thank those who have volunteered their time in that endeavour. We are always looking for volunteers, particularly to join the Board of Directors. This year we will be losing some of our Directors, so we will be seeking replacements for them. If you are interested, please contact any of our current Board members and let us know. The list of those presently on the board is on page two of this newsletter along with their contact information.

In May, we had our annual Trout Stocking event. On behalf of all of us, many thanks go to Nada for her organization of this event. Thanks also to those who helped out with the actual stocking.

The NCC is trying to acquire more land on Loughborough Lake. See the information on how you can be involved and help this worthwhile group keep wilderness areas for future generations.

Be sure to mark your calendars now with our AGM. This year it will be held on August 11th at the United Church in Battersea. Look for more information on this event later in this newsletter.

The Board has a flyer to encourage new Lake Association members. If you know anyone who is not yet a member, please let one of the Board members know, and we will drop off a brochure to them.

You may not be aware of all the benefits we gain individually as our association is a member of FOCA (Federation of Cottage Association).

I look forward to seeing all of you on the lake during the summer.

Barbara Canton

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