BLLA Survey Summary Report

The BLLA Board of Directors launched another membership survey early in the new year to learn about the initiatives our membership would like us to pursue. This is what you said:

Respondents: 53% are full-time residents, 42% are seasonal, 94% are BLLA members and 6% unsure

Association Initiatives:

Survey results for Association Initiatives, 2021

Survey results for Association Initiatives, 2021

BLLA social media: Only 65% of respondents were aware of the BLLA social media pages. 83% said they would prefer to receive BLLA information, such as articles, stories and pictures, digitally.

Comments and Suggestions:

Survey results, Comments and Suggestions, 2021

Survey results, Comments and Suggestions, 2021

We thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us and encourage you to stay in touch. For those of you not aware of our social media platforms, please take a minute to find and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We are pleased to make the transition from paper and post to digital, in response to the survey. If you haven't already shared your email address with us, please do so at


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Buckthorn - Don't forget about our Extractigators