Loughborough Lake Association

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Fall 2019 Newsletter


The smell of coffee in the morning. Mist slowly lifting above the water. Sunlight shining on the lake. Crackling flames dancing in a campfire. The call of a loon. Sunrise. Sunset. Children’s laughter. A million stars. The miracle of a glowing firefly.

 These are the treasures that I find at the lake. They offer wonder, appreciation, and peace. They are the simple pleasures that inspire me, and require me, to do what I can to preserve these moments for now and for generations to come. 

 It’s an immense task but fortunately, I’m not alone. Through the various efforts to address the challenges facing our lake, I have met some truly amazing individuals - people who have a genuine concern for protecting the environment, and speak to that through actions or words, even when it has not been popular to do so. I am motivated by their passion, vision, commitment, and sincerity. I marvel at their willingness to help our Lake Association with its work.

 Through them I have learned that we cannot take our lake for granted. It can, and will, collapse under pressure from phosphate run off, overfishing, invasive species, shoreline vegetation removal, faulty septic systems, irresponsible development, lack of respect for our wetlands, a reduction in biodiversity, or a combination of these and other factors.

 I have learned that there is still much that can be done and I invite you to take action to help ensure the longevity of our lake. Plant some native plants on your property, especially along the shoreline. Have your septic inspected. Avoid fertilizers. Slow down when boating close to shore. Remove invasives. Be on the lookout for nesting turtles or snakes crossing the roadway. Check out our Facebook page and website to read about issues affecting us, or local events that may be of interest. Become engaged and send emails to our Township, our County, or our provincial government in support of our work.

Consider becoming a board member, and/or help with one of the many board tasks such as editing our newsletter, writing articles, testing water quality, stocking fish, or assist in whatever area interests you most. This year three of our board members stepped down in the spring to pursue other interests. Kevin Kapler needed more time to focus on his art, Joe Pater to continue his work to save lives, and Nada Beamish to work on the multitude of things that she does, including setting the bar high for grandmothers. We are grateful for all of their past contributions and especially appreciate that Joe and Nada, who have served on the board for many years, have kindly offered to stay with us long enough to edit and complete this newsletter. Thankfully, Bob Fugler has agreed to come back as our Treasurer until we find someone willing to fill this position. 

Turtles basking on fallen logs. Gently gliding while paddling a canoe. Diving off the dock on a hot day. Listening to the symphony of sounds from frogs in a swamp. The squeal of delight from a child catching a sunfish. Watching a butterfly flit from flower to flower.

What memory would you like to protect? Share it with us. The coffee’s on.